or Why didn't we do it in the road?
Ah, yes, another Friday. 87.5% of the American people's favorite day of the week. How unusual for me to find myself ranking with the "Average Joe" lol. This weekend, we have a couple of things happening; Mom is going to pick up B this afternoon to spend the night w/ her. She said previously that she wanted him for a WEEK over the holidays, but if we only get a day or so, I guess that will be enough. Saturday, I'm not sure what the morning will bring, but sometime in the afternoon, AM & Katie are coming over, and I will get to go to a meeting!! Funny how, right after Thanksgiving, I seem to tend to get less than I need in that department. Oh, yeah, Saturday pm is Choir practise, for the Sunday night Christmas thing. The last time we had the Tuesday night Prophetic/Intercession class, someone said that I was going to be singing in a choir, and it was strange, b/c at that time we didn't have a choir, and I'm not sure anyone knew that we would be having one now! So, I've missed most of the rehearsals, but I know it will be fun, and when I'm standing up there singing--or giving it a good shot, anyway--I feel really good, like I'm RIGHT where I"m supposed to be.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch;
Mr. O told me to **** myself when last we IM'd, which was, uhhh, Tuesday night I think. All I did was ask him as subtlly as I could, if there was any chance that B might have SEEN something at his place, b/c of the way B has been acting lately. I am going to attempt to remember to enforce a DAILY shower for him, b/c if he "itches" so badly then he must need to bathe more often. How dare I wonder if HIS addiction du jour might have affected our children!?!!! So, I kept afwully calm, I thought, and explained to him that THIS WAS NOT ABOUT HIM....I know it is insane of ME to keep trying to have a sensible conversation with him. But SOMETIMES he IS lucid. If he would just go see a Dr. for that +/- thing.
Well, B is in Time-out and E is asleep. Kitty #3 is killing a toy, and Arthur is having his crickets. The older 2 are probably eating or sleeping.
Time to get my large posterior loaded up and moving.....